Sunday 24 February 2008

T1ny URL's made easy.

So have you ever had an issue with long URL's failing to work in e-mails becaust they have missed bits of or whatever reaseon. Well I have never really used the t1ny url, for fear of it being dodgy or what not.

I have just read a post on Smarter Short URL's over at the Google Cache blog. I think I am going to give it a chance especially with how easy it can be to create the tiny URL.

For instance you have a massive URL full of UN'SEO'd garb, you know the whole variables lark. Lets use this as an example

Ouch eh. All that for one page. Right so at the address bar now just put in before the http:// of the ebay page. Hit enter and you will get a tiny URL made right there for you. The one it gave me for this eBay page was:

Go check it out.

Now what also makes me wonder is how big there .htaccess or IIS redirect file must be with this. Unless of course it does it all with php and a nice large MySQL database (which would make sense). And also does is manage duplication well. Lets try that URL for ebay again.

Just as I thought. If you do the same URL it gives you the same tiny URL. Genius!

Thanks to Google Cache for opening my eyes to t1ny url's.

If you want to link back to this post just bookmark :)

1 comment:

Russell Jones said...

Hey, this is russ jones from theGoogleCache. Thanks for picking up the story on!